Saturday, February 22, 2014

 Epilogue: What can you give to others?

I was back in Japan in December, 2013 and have spent for a month in freezing cold of Japan. And I’m getting used to the life in Japan little by little and forgetting the days in Ghana day by day. From time to time, when I look up at the sky connected to the sky in Ghana, I recall my Ghana and slightly sense the wind from Ghana. Well, it might be an illusion made up by my reminiscence to Ghana. I wonder if my heart would be still alive in Ghana or my Ghana would live in my heart. Anyway my story in a different world which is connected to Japan by the same sky ends now.
Thanks to my dearest Vietnamese, who always encourages me in life and pushed me to write about my life in Ghana, I could start this blog and end it with a clear heart like the crystal clear sky in Ghana. And I’ve been thinking about “what I can give to others” as I name to my blog, “The Giving Three”, which was derived from the picture book called “TheGiving Three” by ShelSilverstein.
To tell the truth, International Development is very easy; all you need to do is to donate social infrastructure as Japan proved it in the Korean peninsula and Taiwan in history and to pass the spirits for modernization such as responsibility, sincerity, carefulness, fairness, devotion, etc. as Samuel Smiles illustrated in his book “Self-Help”. If you want to contribute to development of Africa, don’t donate hearing aid, never give money and don’t provide any daily goods; giving physical things, in the name of “donation” to satisfy donor’s feeling, would destroy the will of independence and plant the mentality of dependence. If they’re not capable of developing their countries, let them be being underdeveloped and poor, or let them even die. In my opinion, partial help would destroy the future of Africa. If you could donate social infrastructure such as road, railway, power station, oil refinery etc. with your pocket money, please do it, but you don’t have such money. Or if you can pass the spirits of modernization to people, you contribute to International Development, but you can’t stay in a developing country for a long time. So let me tell you what you can do for Africa “at home”.
To reveal conspiracies of those who exploit developing countries is one way to contribute to the world. Without knowing the truth behind our sight, how would you fight “them”? Namely you don’t need to donate social infrastructure, you don’t need to go to Africa, but you learn the truth of the world behind news on mass media. So you can easily participate to International Development at home, can’t you? And even if 99% of people in the world are nice and descent, only 1% of people can destroy all the efforts of the 99% of people, so this is our role and responsibility for our descendents.
And you know what the purpose of Soviet Union was? To tell the truth, Socialism, or Communism, is logically an ideal social system for ordinary people in which people help each other and share the wealth in society. That’s why “white people” made the fake socialism, Soviet Union, and operated it in a bad manner intentionally in order to create a failure case of Socialism, or Communism. How Soviet operated socialism was wrong but the idea of socialism itself is right. Don’t mix them up. “They” fear collaboration, cooperation, and integration of ordinary people, that’s why “they” create enemies in society and get ordinary people to hate each other in order to split us, as they did it to steal the land of Native Americans. So how would we resist “them”? All we need to do is to respect other people and culture and to have the sense of being connected each other as I always say “weareallconnected,”. So what can connect us? Is it Money? No! It’s heart which is invisible. And we need objective view, fairness, respect, and we should throw away the mind of superiority to others.
Let me simplify it. After you give kindness to a person on your right, you receive kindness from a person on your left. This is an ideal society that I think. Logically this seems just simple but it’s not easy to respect each other even with our neighbors in the same society. I know the final destination to go but I haven’t found the way to connect all the people living in the world yet, I’m sorry for that. What I need is your help; I want you to be aware of it. I believe it’s not a dream, because I know that we, human beings, are an existence that essentially feels happiness with others. You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one.
To tell you the truth, since I started my blog, I’ve been battling myself, and now I can finally close the chapter “Ghana”, so I’m very happy. Although I haven’t found my answer to my own question, “Giving Three”, just for now let me Give you the following Three to close my blog: my devotion to Ghana, my sincerity to the flag of Japan, and my seed for future to you. And I’ve had a thought that I would meet Little Prince somewhere, but as the fox says, “L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. – The most important thing is invisible to the eyes”, he might be essentially invisible to my eyes. Perhaps, on the day I meet him, I would find the way to my goal, or on the day I find the way to my goal, I would meet him. Anyway I keep on searching my way. I really thank you for following me and reading my words, thank you very much. And as the last note, let me borrow the words of Admiral Horatio Nelson: “Thank God, I have done my duty.”               – The End –
P.S. I finally uploaded the film “Walk Together”.


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