Sunday, December 29, 2013

Conspiracy Hypothesis

There is a book in Japanese called “Man who did the truth of Kennedy in 2039 by Nobuhiko OCHIAI. The author talks about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that had taken place on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, America. The president of America was assassinated before people’s very eyes in the parade, and according to the official investigation done by the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy known unofficially as the Warren Commission, which was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson on November 29, 1963 to investigate the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, the president seems to be shot by a man called “Lee Harvey Oswald” alone. However we can’t prove it today because this man was also assassinated before police’s very eyes by “Jack Ruby”, who died in a jail 4 years later by cancer. If you have a chance to study about the assassination, you’ll encounter many strange “facts”.
And it is obvious that this assassination was well planned and executed by some group of people and without the power (or help) of FBI and police, it wouldn’t have been completed. Although I don’t know about the truth of this case, when I red that book, I realized that the president of the United States doesn’t have the supreme authority in America and the existence of people who have the power to murder a president of USA in front of citizens. Isn’t that surprising facts that the president of the United States of America is not the head of the country and rather can be killed so easily? And the Commission records, which were transferred to the National Archives, were partially published and some portion of the records was sealed for 75 years (to 2039) under a general National Archive policy in order to protect innocent people who could be damaged by their relationship with participants in the case (though 98% of the records had been released by 1992). It’s very sure to me that a conspiracy exists behind it, so you might say, “It’s a conspiracy theory.”
It you speak out an idea that is NOT broadcasted on TV and printed on newspaper or textbooks, some people criticize the idea by labeling as “a conspiracy theory” and ordinary people believe it without thinking. As for me, I don’t want to believe subjective and selective information from mass media and textbooks used at schools straightaway, because I’ve ever found many inconsistencies and contradictions in it. I always try to examine any information with objective views and never throw away any slight possibilities unless they are completely denied with objective perspective and without political intensions. Isn’t that too easy to say “Oh, it’s a conspiracy theory” and finish it?
By the way, what’s the difference between Theory and Hypothesis? According to the Collins COBUILD dictionary, a Theory is “1. a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something, 2. If you have a theory about something, you have your own opinion about it which you cannot prove but which you think is true”, and a Hypothesis is “an idea which is suggested as a possible explanation for a particular situation or condition, but which has not yet been proved to be correct”. As you can see, what’s in common is that both are not necessarily telling the truth, in other words a hypothesis can be true and a theory can be true. Yet to avoid such a criticism, I call it “Conspiracy Hypothesis”. The thing is, people finalize it without thinking and even checking it. Please be sure that all theories proved by great scientists used to be hypotheses at the beginning.  
According to some people or group of people called “Revisionists” like Bishop Richard Williamson, the Holocaust, the genocide of Jews, can be interpreted in a completely different manner. I don’t know the truth, but I don’t deny any possibilities unless it is proved. Both can be possible. And in America today, a lot of people have started claiming that the September11 attacks (so-called 9/11) was an internal job done by those who control the administration of the United States of America, which is called “9/11 Truth movement”. And there is another one called “Moon landing conspiracy theories”, which claim that some or all elements of the Apollo program and the associated Moon landings were hoaxes made by NASA and members of other organizations. As far as I listen to its explanations, I think it’s convincing and believable enough to examine and study further. But people don’t study, even just look at some page on the Internet and judge it as a conspiracy theory.  
On the other hand, as a matter of fact, the copyright for Mickey Mouse was supposed to expire in 2003, but the Walt Disney Company lobbied extensively and they’ve got the extension of 20 years for it, which is called “Copyright Term Extension Act”. And the Federal Reserve Act, which granted FRB, which is a private company, the legal authority to issue National Reserve Note, namely U.S. dollar, was supposed to expire, but it still exists. As I mentioned before, “white people” change rules for their profit; in other words rules does exist to satisfy “white people”. My question is why those who criticize Revisionism, 9/11 Truth movement, or other “conspiracy theories” that they call, don’t criticize the Copyright Term Extension Act and the Federal Reserve Act? Because these Acts are not “theories” but real conspiracies? If so, my insistence wouldn’t be criticized because I call it “Conspiracy Hypothesis”. Why do they criticize it? For it’s the truth? Or to hide real conspiracies? Anyway I believe that the Roots of conspiracy and “International Development” would be the same.

Reference in YouTube:

Bishop Richard Williamson - Gas Chambers, Anti-Semitism and the Truth:

911 Truth Loose change 2nd edition 9/11 Documentary Full length:

THE Moon Landing Hoax (Full documentary):

Monopoly Men (1999) The Fed:

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Presidency in Africa

Why are there many presidents in Africa? This is the question I want to ask today. I’m not talking about academic matters, but more conspiratorial perspective here. There’d be explanations and theories for it, but why presidency? My answer is simple, “Because a president can have more power on affairs of country”. So why should it be more powerful than other political forms? My answer is simple, “Because it’s easy to control a country from outside. Namely all you need to do is to control a president in order to control a country”. Presidency in Africa is the symbol of neo-imperialism to my eyes. Independence, president, development, democracy, they’re all beautiful words but in reality “they” exploit Africa in the name of independent; “they” rob Africa in the name of president; “they” destroy Africa in the name of development, and “they” trick Africa in the name of democracy.  
Nigeria is the biggest country of producing oil in Africa, but unbelievably there is no oil refinery in the country so they must buy petrol from “them”. Why the president of Nigeria doesn’t make a refinery? My answer is simple because he’s an agent sent by “them”. Or why western countries don’t help Nigeria make a refinery? My answer is simple because the West doesn’t want Africa to have power in any economical activities. Or why any external commercial refinery companies don’t make a refinery in Nigeria? My answer is simple because someone interferes to make an oil refinery with invisible power, which would never come out to mass media and textbooks. If there were an oil refinery in Nigeria, its neighboring countries would profit from it to a great degree. But it won’t happen, because it means that some western countries lose their market in Africa. Therefore “they” need their branches and branch managers to control internal affairs in the name of “president”.
And when western countries make an international trade treaty with developing countries, they try to sign it in the form of “bilateral treaty, which is a treaty strictly between two state parties, and in which they can easily manipulate decision making with the power of money and politics. On the other hand, there is another form of treaty called “Multilateralism”, in which three or more organizations or countries collaborate to solve issues. Needless to say, it can be more powerful and profitable if all power is harmonized, but there would be much possibility of discussion and opposition in the process of decision making. If you have some bad intension in your mind, which would you choose bilateralism or multilateralism? Do you want to talk about your conspiracy with others? In bilateral treaty, all you need to do is to bribe a president in the name of international development.
Let me briefly talk about the case of Zimbabwe. When this country got its independence in 1980, it was called “The most blessed independence in Africa”. The both, large-scale farms owned by white people and small-scale farms owned by black people, had high productivity and its agricultural base was almost perfect. Agricultural products were exported to neighboring countries; literacy rate was more than 90%; there were large-scale industrial cities; mineral resources were so affluent; and railways and roads were well-built etc. However Robert Mugabe became the president of Zimbabwe and things changed drastically in a bad manner. And on June 26, 2006, he declared in his speech like the following: “This extreme rise in prices is a conspiracy of British. We must resist. In order to protect the life of citizens, companies and shops must sell all products in half price. I’ll nationalize all the businesses that don’t comply.” As a result, inflation rate rose up to 160,000% at maximum and domestic economy was completely destroyed. Did he protect citizens with it? Some might say that it’s because of his greediness, but why did he need to destroy agricultural base too by sending former guerrillas to farms? He could exploit from them if his intension was only for his greediness. So who really profits from devastation of African countries? My answer is the western counties that export products to Africa. In short, he oppressed the life of citizens and helped western countries.
This is my conspiratorial delusion. If Mugabe was bred by the hand of western countries secretly and sent back to become a president in the name of democratic election, which is controlled by someone, everything goes well for “them” who control western countries. Corruption, bribe, and devastation in Africa seem to be caused by selfishness and greediness of African presidents, but if they are all friends of western countries and share the wealth of Africa with “them”, all strange phenomena can be explained very easily and logically. In 2008, Robert Mugabe was re-elected as the president of Zimbabwe and when Africa Summit in the same year, he stated “If a leader of African country criticizes me as “non-democratic”, I’ll check how democratic his election was.” What does it mean? Doesn’t it imply that my delusion is right? This is the real character of presidency in Africa.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Crank up – “Walk Together”

Finally, finally, and finally, I could finish shooting for the film “Walk Together” the other day. I really thank my students and teachers who acted in scenes and helped us for the film. Without the help of others, I wouldn’t be about to complete my duty. And also I can’t help feeling that God assisted us because in the original stories that students brought me, there were a couple of hearing boys appearing on the stage. However we are all deaf except teachers so practically it wasn’t very possible for us to make it, but what surprised me was that at the beginning of this term new young hearing teachers were assigned to our school, needless to say students didn’t know that they were coming. And they came to us and students bought the stories with hearing boys and we made the film. What is that? You may say “it’s by accident”. Yes, it would be true. Or you may say “Lucky!” Oh, very right. Or you may say “It’s God’s will”. Well, I don’t belong to any religious organization or institute, but I have my own religious sense in my mind and can’t help feeling that it was God who sent us the young hearing teachers to our school for the film and made me work on this film. Although I took the role of “Director”, I didn’t feel that “I” made it and in truth I would be just a marionette of God. Namely I acted as a director in the film called “Making the film: Walk Together”.
And on the other hand, it was really tough days for me. In Ghana, everything is not organized and people are not punctual at all, and what’s worse, people don’t keep promise, saying “sick”, “forgot”, “another work” etc. I would say that it was a kind of miracle to finish shooting with them within the time given. I talked to a new hearing teacher about the film and his role and explained what he would do in each scene with the document of scenes in order to get his agreement and he accepted it. But a week later he came to me and said that he didn’t want to act because he was supposed to say “I love you”. Needless to say, I explained about it and he agreed to that but he said he didn’t want to say it. I was really surprised and a bit angry but I persuaded him anyway. Everything was set up and shooting had started then, how could I explain it to my students and cancel making the film?   
And another hearing teacher didn’t show up to the school on a shooting day, though I promised with him about the shooting in the previous day. When I called him, he said “sick”. I knew that he hadn’t been very well, but it was very obvious that he picked up my call outside because of the noise that I heard on the call. I would stay at home to rest when sick, but he might pick it up on his way to hospital. However he could’ve called me in the morning if he went to hospital. I prepared everything and waited for him, but suddenly I had to cancel the shooting on that day due to his “sickness”. There were some other difficulties with them in shooting. However it doesn’t mean that they’re incapable or incompetent or inferior, they’re not used to such organized behaviors for a project with other people. In Ghana everyone is easygoing; no one has sense of time; everything is unorganized, and people don’t notice that they’re all being lazy in the sense of developed countries. So I can’t complaint to them; they just acted as ordinary Ghanaians. It was nice reminisces with them now.
My students did a really good job in acting, shooting, and editing. Basically I got them to work all the processes to make a film because it’s a part of education and it’ll be a good experience for their future. I really enjoyed myself in shooting with them and now it is placed in the album of my heart. Yesterday students have all gone home for a vacation and I completed all my duties. I’ll leave here on Monday and arrive in Japan on December 25, 2013. Thank you all and I thank the God of Ghana.


Saturday, December 07, 2013

Narcotic Business Model

Well, as I mentioned before, you must understand the mechanism of Economy, Politics, and History, which are interrelated each other as I’ve explained so far. Today let me talk about a fact of Economy. When you engage in an economical activity, you would seek for a way of making money easily and quickly and if it’s eternity protected by law, you’d be much happier. This would be the eternal desire of human in economical activities. Surprisingly enough there’s such a business model existing.
There is a factory of mine in Africa and on the same site of the factory there is another factory where “they” make artificial legs. When the owner of the mine factory sells mines, he/she can make money, and when people who lost their legs come to make artificial legs, he/she can make money again. And this cycle continues as long as mines generate patients. What a nice business! And more surprisingly, the owner of the 2 factories is the same person. I call it “Narcotic Business Model”. However I can’t participate in this business because I don’t have either the mentality of Killing or the power to deceive people lawfully, which are the necessities for this business model. Normally illegal activities are involved in this business model and laws can be a shelter for them. You remember Nkrumah’s words: “the enemy is intangible, invisible and impersonal, (…) Imperialism and colonialism die hard” In the past bad acts were visible but “they” never show their trick today.
Imagine that you have a share in market of anti-virus software and knowledge to program virus, would you like to spread the virus that you made in order to sell your anti-virus software? Imagine that you want a share of medicine and have knowledge to make diseases, would you like to spread the disease that you made in order to sell your medicine? Actually this business happened in Japan. In 1980s, “Green Cross Corporation” sold HIV-tainted blood and two thousand haemophilia patients in Japan contracted HIV via tainted blood products. You must understand that destruction of other people, things and places is a business chance for some people. The thing is, some people make such situations on purpose by the power of politics. That’s why War is always welcomed by some people.
Similarly, if you write your name on a piece of paper and can sell it, would you like to join the business? Yes, you would. You get money by just writing something, why not? Believe it or not, the government of the United States of America doesn’t have the right to issue their bills (notes) of currency ($ dollar), which is protected by the law of America, but FRB (Federal Reserve Bank) does, which is a private company owned by Jewish bankers. Namely America must pay certain amount of money to a group of people to get its own bills. And the income tax, which is not reasonable at all to me, started to pay the money for it in 1913. In short, citizens of America are unconsciously imposed to present their money to “them” by the law. This story is detailed in “MonopolyMen” available on Youtube. The law of America is a shelter for monopoly men to make money and hide themselves.
And have you ever heard Military-IndustrialComplex? War is a tool for those who control America to make money and it is said that America needs a war every 10-year to sustain their economy due to the Military-Industrial Complex. I briefly talked about the meaning of “subsidized agricultural products” for Western countries, and weapons are also important exporting articles for America and some European countries like British, France, Germany, Russia... War never occurs naturally, but does with the will of the Narcotic Business Model and mentality of Killing. And people would never doubt whatever happens in war, saying “Because it’s war”. War is just a tool for this business model.   

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Murder and Killing  

 Just before the IraqWar (2003), clergy men from Islam, Judaism, Catholic, Protestant, were invited in the TV show, “Larry King Live (L.K.L) 1985 – 2010 on CNN” and talked about the War. And a rabbi of Judaism answered to the question: “Why do we murder Muslims? Is it allowed?” like the following: “Murder and Kill are different. This is Kill, but not Murder”. Do you understand what he meant? He implies that the word “Murder” is used to kill human while the word “Kill” is used to kill creatures other than human, namely it depends on an object, so Murder wouldn’t be used to kill livestock. And no one objected to his words, showing their feeling “That’s right” on their faces, as if they shared the idea that you’re all livestock for us and we’re all livestock for you. Surprisingly enough, to kill someone who doesn’t believe the same religion is allowed in some religions because “someone” is not human for them. However is it true that God allows us to Kill? As a reference, any acts of Killing is not accepted in Buddhism. So what do you think about the talk above?
So what would happen if some people misled believers, saying that “They’re insects.” In history, some cases of it are recorded. At the times that Europeans “discovered” new continents, they brought back indigenous “people” from the continents and discussed if they were human or not. And astonishingly enough, Vatican answered that they’re not human; in other words the headquarter of Christianity allowed murdering indigenous “people”, oops slaughtering indigenous human-like animals. That is why dreadful massacres occurred by Spanish “people” in South America, which inherited to the slavery, colonization, imperialism of “white people”. However Spanish people and “white people” are not guilty in their religions at all because their act was justified by Vatican in the name of God. Ironically God helped develop Europe and today God is forgotten, and God was used to mislead believers to “kill” other people. I’m wondering if God truly has absolute power to human beings as those religions teach. Ironically these clergy men have absolute power to believers who can be easily misled, brainwashed and controlled by their words. Oh, please don’t get me wrong, I’m not attacking on the religions above, but just talking about the danger of the idea: Murder and Kill. 
In the Vietnam War, uncountable Vietnamese girls were raped by Korean soldiers to satisfy their sexual desire, which resulted in more than 350,000, at maximum, of mixed children called “Lai DaiHan” born. After raping them, Korean soldiers lynched, slaughtered, and massacred Vietnamese girls to erase proofs of their violent acts. In some cases recorded, they took out babies from womb by kicking on the belly of pregnant women and killed the babies brutally, and there were so many other cruel and brutal acts by Korean soldiers recorded in history, although those historical facts are not recorded in textbooks of South Korea. So why could Korean men be so violent? In Korean peninsula traditionally it’s been a very strong discriminative society and the upper class called “Yangban” looked down on and exploited the lower class called “Baekjeong” because Baekjeong are not human at all for Yangban, and likewise women were severely maltreated like a class of women called “Kisaeng”, who engaged in entertainment and prostitute. And today most of Koreans call themselves as descendants of Yangban, who look down on other people as animals or insects. This traditional way of thinking is the cause of mass killing and brutal sexual abuses in Vietnam. Once you think other people as not human, you become inhuman and are not human any more. I believe that we should not justify the act of killing in the name of God. For human can easily be inhuman.  

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I think of God

So why could the West once conquer the world? I could say that the splendid European civilization started in the Age of Discovery (though this naming itself shows their arrogance). Thanks to the 800 of conquest by Islam in Iberian Peninsula, Europe could acquire knowledge and skills to build big ships and navigate in the ocean. The land of Islam in Europe was the door to civilization then. And the Industrial Revolution occurred in the land of Europe in 19th century, so why it happened?
There are necessary elements to make it happen such as cast iron and steam engine. But cast iron existed in China more than 2000 year ago and there was a kid’s toy with steam engine invented in Ancient Egypt. If you look at the maturity of civilization, the revolution could’ve occurred in China before Christ or in Ancient Egypt. However the Industrial Revolution occurred in Europe after 2 millenniums, why? Europeans are superior to other races?! No way. There would be reasons, but I’d say that Europe is merely the land where human knowledge and technologies gathered for it. 
I would define that Europe was a factory to polish raw ore of human knowledge and technology in history. Science was brushed up by the hands of Europeans since the Middle Age and made the Industrial Revolution possible. In my thoughts, “comparison” and “objective view” are the core components for science but it’s at odd in Christianity; you can’t be free from dogma and comparison is useless before Absolute God. So I’ve been wondering why Science flourished in Europe for a long time. And when a professor told me that Christianity made Europeans develop science, I was so surprised. The professor told me that when Europeans tried to prove absoluteness of God, they happened to find the path to science. My idea went the other way around. The desire to Absolute God led them to the Revolution. In Egypt and China, there was no such dogmatic Absolute God.
When you think about it, European culture and tradition like art, music, studies, food, festival, are all related to religious matters and rituals. And the state religion must have been Christianity to be admitted as a country in Europe and the word, “Romanize” meant “Christianize” and the words “modernize” and “civilize” were once synonyms of “Christianize”. So you can say that Europe was constructed by Christianity and Christianity was the engine for development of Europe. However sadly Europeans seem to be away from Christianity today and in France it seems to be even said, “God was dead.” Actually when I was in Bordeaux, France, I witness that churches were used for an art gallery and music hall, and even some churches were abandoned. Ironically enough, God helped Europeans develop Europe and God has been forgotten after the development of Europe. I wonder if God laments for the development of Europe. There is something you should not forget in life.
I think that God used to be the soil for Europeans and wonder if once people are away from soil, civilization would start declining. People can’t live without soil. Europeans are proud of Roman and Greek civilizations, but today they’re just ruins for tourists, because Gods of the civilizations have died with people of the civilizations. On the contrary, Shinto shrines and Buddhism temples are still alive in Japan and well-preserved by people living with Gods and gods. I wonder if people died and God follows or God dies and people follow; it’s “The chicken and the egg”. It is sure that the desire, sincerity, and devotion to God was the engine to modern science and God was the heart of European civilization. I hope that the West will make another revolution to lead the world to the new stage with righteous pride and fairness of splendid Europe. God is true to you if you are true to God.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Walk Together

From time to time, I should insert some interesting stories based on my activity in my school other than gloomy stories for your mental health, though it is also very important to talk about politics, economics, hypocrisy, lies, wars etc. in order to understand “International Development” well. This is going to be the last term at Savelugu School For The Deaf as an ICT teacher in my life, so to end off my duty with smile, I decided to make a film with students on the theme of the Deaf.
I required original stories from students and 4 students brought their stories, but they’re not good enough to shoot in our environment. A student brought a story of king, but it’s not easy to prepare palace, car, clothes, and food for king, basically we have no budget, and another wrote a story ending with murder, but I don’t want to touch any murder even in a film. And the stories were not long enough and didn’t have theme, so I made up a story based on their stories. In addition, most students wanted to act so I made roles for everyone, which added more scenes. As a result, the story became long and good enough with the theme of issues between the Deaf and hearing people. I would say that it’s a love comedy based on real issues of the Deaf. Here’s the theme:

The film questions two issues between the deaf and hearing people through two couples of deaf girl and hearing boy. The deaf have less possibility to get a good job in society than hearing people, which results limited possibility of choice of marriage, especially with hearing people. And also communication between the deaf and hearing people is the biggest issue unless hearing people learn sign language. Understanding of the deaf from hearing people is the key to solve the issues. 

The plot of the film is the following. The story starts with a fight between deaf and hearing boys, which is stopped by a teacher of deaf school. And one of the hearing boys (Yaw) meets the teacher again by accident and is invited to the deaf school. When he is exploring in the school, he meets the deaf boys again and shows his apology to them, but the deaf boys reject it. Then a teacher suggests having a game to become friendly and one of the deaf boys accepts it, though other boys are reluctant, because he plans to cheat to win the game. But after the game, the school prefect finds their trick and advices them to become friends. And when Yaw sees dance training of deaf girls, he is very impressed and invites his hearing friend (Fatawu) for a dance show. In the event, a deaf girl gives a speech: “Please call us with our name”, insisting that the deaf have sign names so don’t call them just “DEAF”, which touches Fatawu’s heart. There is a deaf couple in the school and they love each other, but accidentally the deaf girl misunderstands that her boyfriend and her best friend is kissing in classroom. She was so shocked and when she walks alone, Fatawu finds her crying and apologizes for his miss behavior in the past and he confesses that he likes her. And Yaw starts learning sign language at the school with deaf girls who all like him, yet Yaw likes a deaf girl (Dalajatu) who is not interested in him then. There is a deaf boy who always walks alone on his way and seeks for his dream that he will make a bridge between the Deaf and hearing people, but his classmates don’t follow him, saying “Impossible”, except Dalajatu. And Yaw confesses his love to Dalajatu, she accepts it finally, thinking of better future. In the last scene, the first couple of deaf and hearing go together by motor cycle and when Yaw and Dalajatu are about to leave, she stops him and says “I’m sorry, but I can’t…”, and she runs to the dreamy deaf boy and they walk together.
Well, I don’t know if we can make it as planned above, but we will try to do our best. You will see;) 

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Why do white people change rules in sports?

I’ve talked about Pride in the last 2 entries because it’s the key to open the door for future; in other words, without pride, Africa would stay the same in the next few centuries. I should like to advice any countries and people to hold (or acquire) fairness and pride in any activities of life if they think about their children. If you’re successful with dirty ways such as lie, deceit, betrayal and the power of Politics, your children will have to make up for your ugly jobs later. You may be able to hide it for years or centuries, but it’ll be revealed at the end of the day. Namely it is more profitable for us to fight with fairness and pride than to cheat people for egoism in any human activities as a result.
However I’ve seen many strange phenomena in sports. There are many cases that after Japanese athletes get gold medals in international competitions, “white people” change rules to prevent Japanese from standin on the center of platform of honor: Kenichi Ogiwara in Nordic combined, Daichi Suzuki in swimming (backstroke), HONDA in F1, etc. And the words of a minister in a European country seem to show it: “I don’t want to see a person with thin eyes standing on the top of honor platform”. I understand that he has the delusion called “White as Superior” in his mind, but is it fair to change rules to manipulate results of sports? I don’t see spirits of Chivalry in his words. 
Today without Japanese technologies, the world won’t go well; Space shuttle can’t come back to Earth without a Japanese technology; Airbus A 380-800, which was developed by France and Germany, won’t fly without a Japanese technology. And many Japanese inventions help people all over the world such as mobile phone with camera, digital camera, Laser scalpel, Gastoroscopy, Medical ultrasonography, remote control, etc. and there are so many small enterprises that have 80% or 90% of world share in market, which means Japanese technology sustain parts of products in the world. Therefore prosperity of other countries brings prosperity of Japan. On the other hand, Western countries make cheap products and sell them in developing countries by the power of Politics. And whenever “white people” need another market, they make conflicts and wars in developing countries. In short, destruction of other countries brings prosperity of the West. It is a matter of structure of economy. And ironically the more they change rules to suppress Japan, the more Japan gets power and technologies, because Japan always respects rules and fight with fairness to improve ability and quality of products, even if the West uses the dirty ways. Namely Japan never forgets the spirit of Bushido; Samurai competed for beauty of how to live, bravery in battle field and wealth from fight. And cowardice, unfairness, and meanness were regarded as the worst vices. That’s why doping in sports is not a problem at all for Japan unlike for other countries.
The West knows that they can’t beat Japan in fair fields any more, but they want to keep markets and their “pride” that they believe, which is in reality their delusion, though. Does that mean that Japanese are superior to other people? No way! There’s no superior race whatsoever; Japanese are just the same as other people. There is no trick, no magic, but Japanese think and work for other people with devotion & sincerity and fairness & pride, which sustain the Japanese economy. I expect that the West will revise their “real pride” and get it back in future. I believe that they’re capable of making the world better and use it for prosperity of other people some day. For they once made up the splendid civilization. If the West throws dirty weapons, lie, brainwash, bribery, war, terrorism, etc. to sustain their economy, they’ll definitely get real power to conquer the world again!  

Saturday, November 02, 2013

The Meaning of Russo-Japanese War (1904-05)

I could say that today a lot of people live in the Westernized world in terms of social system, educational system, economical system, communication system, etc., and even lifestyle such as food, clothes, sports, amusement, housing, in other words, we share values of Western people and society. Today wherever you go in any developing countries, you see everyone is using mobile phones, TV, DVD, cars, electricity, and so on, so you could say that the West has conquered the world. And it’s a big contribution of Westerners to mankind indeed, though you don’t need to say thank you to them. And thanks to English that is one of Indo-European languages and expanded by the power of British Imperialism, I can tell you about my thoughts, feelings, and ideas today. If you look at negative aspects of the Imperialism like Slavery, you might deny it straightaway, but if you focus on the other side of the coin, there are contributions by the British Empire. Although you should not justify bad acts of “white people” in history, you shouldn’t also judge things around us by only one side of coin. It’s s a page of history of mankind and may be necessarily evil sent by God for mankind.
Well, as the title says, there was the Russo-Japanese War between Russia and Japan from 1904 to 1905. This War is recorded and memorized in history as the first war that the non-white country won against white country with modern weapons. The news of this victory stunned the Western world at that time and encouraged and inspired people living in colonies all over the world like: “Yellow monkey defeated Whitey”, bringing the hope of light to the world. It was the turning point of human history. There had been so many revolts in colonized lands, Africa, Asia, and the South America in centuries, but they were all suppressed by the power of white people. Therefore people tended to think that they couldn’t kick out the imperialism from their motherlands and gave up before they tried. Yet Japan beat Russia that had the strongest Army at that time, so people started thinking, “We can win if we try!” Japan fought Russia in the name of justice, national security and pride and the spirits of Japan changed the mentalities of people under the Western oppression.
And even if imperialism and colonialism exploited people in uncivilized lands, it is very true that Western civilization was superior to any other civilization in human history, so white people deserved to think that they were most superior. I really thank their contribution and admire their pride as white. And in part of the splendid European history, there is a splendid virtue called “Chivalry”, whose core is fairness and which is rooted in the heart of white people. However Japan smashed the pride, “White as Superior” in the War against Russia, and today Japanese knowledge and technology are overwhelming the world in any fields. As a result, the “White as Superior” became a delusion or ideology and the whole world was released from the yoke of White as Superior.
Some scholars say that if Japan hadn’t defeated the West, the dominance of white people would continue in the next few centuries. In 1919 Japan, in fact, proposed the “Racial Equality Proposal” to the League of Nations, but Western countries rejected it. And after the World War II, Europeans were trying to re-colonize Asian countries and Japanese soldiers fought with local people for their independences and a lot of Japanese shed blood and lost lives. Without the win of the Russo-Japanese War, the world would’ve been still sleeping in the dream of “White as Superior”; without the defeat of Japan in the World War II, the world would’ve been still enslaved by white people. To sum up, pride and fairness like Chivalry will dictate your country to a better future.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Country of Beggars

I really hope Ghana will develop the country in the not too distant future, but in my prediction it won’t happen in the next 100 year unless they acquire the sense of shame. I am a dreamer but I am not an idealist. As far as I’ve seen Ghana so far, I can’t find the light for future in people around me. I would say that Ghanaians are beggars. I know you would get me wrong but I must say it in order to encourage and inspire people in developing countries. What I mean is that Ghanaians are very “dependent”; even if Ghana has got the first independence in Africa in 1957, the independence would never bring up the sprits of modernization and change habits of people automatically. As long as people are dependent, Ghana won’t develop the country by the hands of Ghanaians in future.
I talked about difference between countries and societies and manner is also included in it. There are cultural manners and social ones; the former means local rules and the latter means universal etiquette in the world. In Ghana, when you hand on money to someone, you must use right hand because left hand is regarded as unclean. Since it doesn’t happen in my country, this is cultural manner. And as I mentioned before, when we Japanese are walking on streets, some Ghanaians say, “Chin, chon, chan”, mimicking Chinese language, in order to make fun of us or become friendly?! Whatever reasons are, this sort of behavior is not acceptable in any society in the world, namely this is out of universal manner. But why can some Ghanaians do it? I’ve never heard the words, rude or impolite in Ghana, and when I asked colleagues about the sign language for it, they didn’t know it. This shows that in Ghana people don’t care about rudeness. It’s a matter of sense of shame.
In psychology human emotions are categorized into the 1st emotions, pleasure, anger, sad, happy, fear etc. and 2nd ones, shame, honor, pride, respect, humility etc. And animals like dogs, cats, monkeys, seem to have the 1st feeling, but not the 2nd ones. So if you don’t feel ashamed at all, you might be closer to animals. In Ghana people, from children to any adults, don’t feel ashamed to beg things and money. On my way to Savelugu town, children always scream to me “Buy toffee!”; some unknown adults say at first time, “Give me a computer”, “I want to go to Japan, please take me!”; even a school staff said about a broken school car the other day, “You pay to repair it”. I know they say it as a joke, but the problem is the mentality they don’t feel shame at the act of “begging”. This act is still socially accepted in Ghana, so they should bring up social manners to develop country. By contrast, begging is the most shameful act in Japan, so even the homeless never beg on streets. And whenever financial issues occur at school, teachers always seek for donation, as if it were human rights, and never think to make money by themselves. I say to my students, “Don’t expect donation but you make if you want it”. Without righteous spirits, Ghana would stay the same for 100 years.
At the dawn of the modernization in Japan, Eiichi Shibusawa, who is regarded as the father of Japanese economy, grieved about mean attitude of people without the sense of shame; people in Edo period were used to being mean. And he considered “Pride” was the essential spirit of economy thus educated people with “pride and the sense of money”. He meant the pride was the sense of fairness, justice, and honesty in economical activities; lie, deceit and betrayal meant no shame and no pride. And today this spirits are inherited to Japanese business men who sustain the Japanese economy. By the way, if you can lie, it means you have no shame, so you’re closer to animals, however if you’re good at Politics, you’re surely human beings because hypocrisy is part of the 2nd human emotion too.

Saturday, October 19, 2013



A new term for students started weeks ago and the last term for me also started with them. Normally homesick comes after you leave your beloved place but my homesick has started with the new term. When I think of the days that I will stay with them and teach them, my memory flashes the days that I spent with them. Some are so sweet and some are so bitter. However when I see their faces in my class, the bitterness disappears and my memory is softly embraced by ambiguous joy of life. And when I close my eyes, the smiles keep flashing to me and my memory is vividly flashbacking with beautiful moments. It is not oblivion but the truth of life, the truth that I can perceive from my old memory living in my heart. Life is alive in oblivion and dies with memory.
In the last few writings, you would’ve got tired of such topics, which will continue in the next few writings. So this time I’ll take a break. In the late September, 17 volunteers left Ghana for Japan after fulfilling their duties in Ghana, and I thought, “Well, I was supposed to go back then”. Thanks to the extension of my stay, I am still in Ghana with my students, but it will end after 3 months. You may feel that I am a bit sentimental, but yes! I am very sentimental everyday because I am in my homesick to Ghana, living in Ghana. It will end. It will end in December. When I think of it, I feel that every single moment is so precious and every single incident is a gift from God. This is the first time and last time to teach ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to deaf children in my life. In life you must lose something important sometimes; this is the law of life for all of us.  
Since I started my work here in Savelugu School For The Deaf, I’ve been running and forced my students to run, but now I finally got time to walk with my students. When I was running, I was trying to build good relationship with students, but some accepted my approaches but some refused it. In the mid of last term, after I’ve spent 1 year and half, I felt that I was accepted by students finally. At the beginning of this term, some girls knocked on the door to greet me with their true pleasure to see me on their faces. This kind of small incident is a big gift from students. And I make a habit of taking a cup of coffee outside in the morning, a boy who had been refusing me for a year and half came to greet me with full of obedience and respect toward me. This is a souvenir of life for me. I haven’t work for reputation from students but if they refuse me, I feel sad and if they accept me, I feel happy naturally, but I don’t seek for a fake relationship. I’ve tried to construct the true relationship with students. After 2 years, I am truly accepted by them, so my efforts weren’t in vain.
Mariamtu is one of students who refused me, saying “I don’t like Computer”. Students know that if they like it or not, they must study all subjects but this is the way to express their refusal toward a teacher who put pressure on them. Last week she came to my house, saying “I’ve been afraid of knocking on your door”. I felt a bit of regret that I’ve put too much pressure on her shoulders. Imagine that a deaf girl fears to knock on a door of a teacher. It won’t be a beautiful scene of life at all. However she confessed that she had felt fear toward me for such a long time. As I mentioned, I give the 50-Computer Terminology to all students and she was one of those who refused it. In the last term, I changed the way to teach and she also changed her attitude toward me and ICT, and finally she passed the test after a lot of struggles. I was so happy then. And last week she knocked on my door and helped my choirs, cleaning and doing my laundry. She opened her door of heart and accepted me. Now I’m so happy and so is she. People change, things change, interest rates change:)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Please Donate Infrastructur

 There were many things that surprised me when I started the new life in Ghana. Some were cultural differences and some were social differences. I love to see the former but the latter can make me sad from time to time. I always enjoy different smiles in different culture like Vietnam, Poland, Lithuania, but when I went to Ukraine, I encountered heritages of the Soviet Union, which made me quite sad. Buildings were pretty tired, roads were so rough, and seats in buses were torn up like rag and so on. People are innocent and live life in peace but they suffer from social system. Yet I was really touched by Ukraine people bravely living with beautiful smile in the heritage.
Please recall the relationship between software and hardware: if you don’t have hardware, you can’t use software and vice versa. It is applied for anything in human activities. Suppose that you study at university, without rooms, chairs, desks (hardware), you can’t study and without teachers, subjects, administration (software), you can’t learn, so you need both. I define hardware as anything you can touch and Software as a set of ideas. So what are Hardware and Software to develop country? The hardware is infrastructure and the software is people, more precisely spirits of people.
In my definition, Economy is: “Movement of things and people and money is lubricating oil to reduce friction of the movement.” Therefore infrastructure for movement is the priority to develop countries such as roads, railways, ports, water and electricity supply. When I took a bus from Accra to Kumasi (1st and 2nd biggest cities in Ghana), which is extremely important for the entire economy of Ghana, I was really shocked by the unbelievably miserable road. Although so many vehicles were going and coming on the road, it wasn’t paved for several kilometers long or more, so the bus was shaking, pitching, waving, and swaying on the bumpy road for hours. I wonder why it hasn’t been paved for such a long time by government or foreign aid. By comparison, there is a well -paved road from Tamale to Bolgatanga passing in front of my school and I heard that this road was built with the help of Japan, and Japan also organizes several projects for agriculture like rice farming.
It is said that the money “given” to Africa after the World War II is over $ 30,000 per head. There are many help from Western countries but they mainly give aids in the field of education and health, but not in agriculture and infrastructure. Why? It is highly related to structure of their economy. In Western countries, government subsidizes agriculture and they export agricultural products to developing countries. As infrastructure is a tool to make products, if they gave infrastructure and agricultural knowledge to developing countries, African countries would make products on their own, even export agricultural products in markets. If it happened, Western countries would lose the big market, “Africa”. That’s why Western people don’t invest on infrastructure and agriculture but bring completed products, because developing countries are big customers for them. They are willing to give political independence but not economical independence. Imperialism does die hard.
To tell the truth, to develop country is very easy, just donate infrastructure. And in fact this is what Japan had done in Korean peninsula and Taiwan. When Japan annexed them, the Japanese administration first of all invested on social infrastructure and brought up industries, as much as it did in the mainland, because they were part of Japan. Thanks to the infrastructure, Taiwan and Korea are successful in modernization of country. If you really want to help developing countries, you don’t need to donate hearing aids without sufficient training, but please donate infrastructure.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

People of the Hypocrisy

Last year, there was an event in Tamale when the 1st term was approaching to the end, and all children of our school were invited for it. Our destination was a hospital and when I arrived there, I saw our children sitting on chairs in white tents and several white people working in a tent, and when I entered the tent, I realized that they were Audiologists, fitting “hearing aid”. It was the international NGO called “Starkey” that donated hearing aids to the deaf in developing countries.
According to a staff, they stay in Ghana for a week as a part of African tour which lasts about half a year with funds from governments, companies, donations Starkey gets. So people in developed countries would appreciate their job and they also enjoy such good voices from people in “developed” countries. What they are doing seemingly nice, but the reality is not simple like that. In my class I teach that software needs hardware and vice versa; if you don’t have hardware, you can’t use software; if you don’t have software, you can’t use hardware. This is essential. So what is hardware and software for hearing aid? Hearing aid is hardware and training to speak and hear is software.
The problem is that they only give hardware. The staff explained that to my surprise they invite more than 300 people a day. And I said, “Wow, so many people. Some of them would profit from hearing aid”, and he answered, “Yeah, a lot of them”. Um?! A lot of them?! I said “some”. What did he mean by a lot of “them”? “Them” means a lot of people in his carrier as an audiologist? Or a lot of students in my school? And I gave the next question, “So how do you train students to speak and hear?” He said, “It’s teachers’ job!” I said, “So how do you train teachers?” He pointed a building to go and when I enter, Ghanaian staffs were teaching maintenance of hearing aid. ?! I asked  “How to speak and hear?” Did he misunderstand? No way, he knew that training was the most important and difficult thing to use hearing aid. I do admire what they’re doing, but they don’t either supply software, or instruct teachers. Isn’t that irresponsible? This brought a mess in my daily routine.
Anyway I had to supply software to my students in my class and out of class. But the term was ending and I had many things left to teach in the last 2 weeks. It was very confusing. When attendance, I spared time to call names with voice and taught greetings “Good morning”, “How are you?”, “My name is…” I always lost 10 or 15 minutes in my class, which are 20 or 25% of class time, and I always prepared music when they worked on practical lesson. However in spite of my efforts, the number of using hearing aid reduced little by little. After 1 week, it was half; after 2 weeks, just 3 students in a class, and in my last lesson, O, ZERO. No training, no profit; without profit, students don’t use it. And what’s worse, some students complained that hearing aid didn’t fit from the beginning and now painful . Who would use it? This result is just predictable. He said “A lot of them”, so he would’ve meant “a lot of people in my 20 years of work as an audiologist”. In my observation,  “some of them” would profit from it. So are they professional? Isn’t that irresponsible? 
They know people don’t use hearing aids without software, that’s why they invite so many people for an excuse and make tours to escape from their responsibility. This is the trick. And they don’t spend any money, but get salary and good reputations in both developed and developing countries, What a nice business! It’s an example of actual activity of NGO in the name of “International Development”. However one day some students yelled to me “Daigo!!” with their voices and I felt “My deaf children call my name! What a nice gift!” Their hypocrisy sometimes helps other people:)