Saturday, February 22, 2014

 Epilogue: What can you give to others?

I was back in Japan in December, 2013 and have spent for a month in freezing cold of Japan. And I’m getting used to the life in Japan little by little and forgetting the days in Ghana day by day. From time to time, when I look up at the sky connected to the sky in Ghana, I recall my Ghana and slightly sense the wind from Ghana. Well, it might be an illusion made up by my reminiscence to Ghana. I wonder if my heart would be still alive in Ghana or my Ghana would live in my heart. Anyway my story in a different world which is connected to Japan by the same sky ends now.
Thanks to my dearest Vietnamese, who always encourages me in life and pushed me to write about my life in Ghana, I could start this blog and end it with a clear heart like the crystal clear sky in Ghana. And I’ve been thinking about “what I can give to others” as I name to my blog, “The Giving Three”, which was derived from the picture book called “TheGiving Three” by ShelSilverstein.
To tell the truth, International Development is very easy; all you need to do is to donate social infrastructure as Japan proved it in the Korean peninsula and Taiwan in history and to pass the spirits for modernization such as responsibility, sincerity, carefulness, fairness, devotion, etc. as Samuel Smiles illustrated in his book “Self-Help”. If you want to contribute to development of Africa, don’t donate hearing aid, never give money and don’t provide any daily goods; giving physical things, in the name of “donation” to satisfy donor’s feeling, would destroy the will of independence and plant the mentality of dependence. If they’re not capable of developing their countries, let them be being underdeveloped and poor, or let them even die. In my opinion, partial help would destroy the future of Africa. If you could donate social infrastructure such as road, railway, power station, oil refinery etc. with your pocket money, please do it, but you don’t have such money. Or if you can pass the spirits of modernization to people, you contribute to International Development, but you can’t stay in a developing country for a long time. So let me tell you what you can do for Africa “at home”.
To reveal conspiracies of those who exploit developing countries is one way to contribute to the world. Without knowing the truth behind our sight, how would you fight “them”? Namely you don’t need to donate social infrastructure, you don’t need to go to Africa, but you learn the truth of the world behind news on mass media. So you can easily participate to International Development at home, can’t you? And even if 99% of people in the world are nice and descent, only 1% of people can destroy all the efforts of the 99% of people, so this is our role and responsibility for our descendents.
And you know what the purpose of Soviet Union was? To tell the truth, Socialism, or Communism, is logically an ideal social system for ordinary people in which people help each other and share the wealth in society. That’s why “white people” made the fake socialism, Soviet Union, and operated it in a bad manner intentionally in order to create a failure case of Socialism, or Communism. How Soviet operated socialism was wrong but the idea of socialism itself is right. Don’t mix them up. “They” fear collaboration, cooperation, and integration of ordinary people, that’s why “they” create enemies in society and get ordinary people to hate each other in order to split us, as they did it to steal the land of Native Americans. So how would we resist “them”? All we need to do is to respect other people and culture and to have the sense of being connected each other as I always say “weareallconnected,”. So what can connect us? Is it Money? No! It’s heart which is invisible. And we need objective view, fairness, respect, and we should throw away the mind of superiority to others.
Let me simplify it. After you give kindness to a person on your right, you receive kindness from a person on your left. This is an ideal society that I think. Logically this seems just simple but it’s not easy to respect each other even with our neighbors in the same society. I know the final destination to go but I haven’t found the way to connect all the people living in the world yet, I’m sorry for that. What I need is your help; I want you to be aware of it. I believe it’s not a dream, because I know that we, human beings, are an existence that essentially feels happiness with others. You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one.
To tell you the truth, since I started my blog, I’ve been battling myself, and now I can finally close the chapter “Ghana”, so I’m very happy. Although I haven’t found my answer to my own question, “Giving Three”, just for now let me Give you the following Three to close my blog: my devotion to Ghana, my sincerity to the flag of Japan, and my seed for future to you. And I’ve had a thought that I would meet Little Prince somewhere, but as the fox says, “L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. – The most important thing is invisible to the eyes”, he might be essentially invisible to my eyes. Perhaps, on the day I meet him, I would find the way to my goal, or on the day I find the way to my goal, I would meet him. Anyway I keep on searching my way. I really thank you for following me and reading my words, thank you very much. And as the last note, let me borrow the words of Admiral Horatio Nelson: “Thank God, I have done my duty.”               – The End –
P.S. I finally uploaded the film “Walk Together”.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Reference: Christl Meyer Science

In my perspective, this world is currently dominated by those who wish developing countries to stay underdeveloped for their profit. I call them “white people”, whose existence is invisible to us. If somebody does something malicious, brutal, or cruel and you need to take its responsibility, what do you feel? And you unconsciously feel guilty for “their” bad acts, are you happy? Someone so-called “leader” decides and starts a war authorized by law and parliament, and ordinary people go to the war and become victims, then hate each other, does it make sense? All “they” need to do is to create “enemy” like terrorists and control mass media. Can you change that decision in the name of e “Domocracy”? Even if you try to reveal the truth, some people start criticizing it as “Conspiracy Theory” and people follow them without checking and thinking about it because ordinary people living in developed countries are brainwashed by “them”. This is a part of International Development.
And why do ordinary people need to hate each other in the name of race, tribe, religion, nation and color of skin? Essentially there is no reason for us to hate each other in life. Yet it is true that there are conflicts in intangible (invisible) level like human feeling and emotion, but it should never lead us to tangible (visible) level like a war or international conflict, because we know that physical fight never solves problems and brings profit to us, “ordinary people”. Even if we feel something strange to neighbors, we won’t have such conflicts unless someone misleads and agitates us. Do you hit someone if you don’t like him or her? If you don’t understand existence, scale, and power of “white people”, you would be unconsciously involved in “their” conspiracies and work as a soldier of “white people”, at least your act will help “them”. And some of you might think that my story has nothing to do with your life but it’s not very true. For “they” control America, Europe, and international organs like WTO, UN, IMF etc. Well, I know you don’t believe me, so let me show you some video.
An Austrian biologist, Christl J. Meyer, claims that HIV virus doesn’t exist and “disease HIV” is produced by wrong diagnosis and patients become sick by harmful treatment in the name of “treatment of HIV”. According to this biologist, HIV test is not standardized so test results can be different in other countries, and patients are diagnosed with HIV positive by the wrong HIV test. Needless to say, if you take wrong medicine for a long time, you will get sick by side-effects. This can make sense of my knowledge of HIV that HIV symptoms are very subtle, it precedes very slowly, and incubation period is very long. In other words, if I think that AIDS doesn’t exist, patients are created by wrong diagnosis, and symptoms of and a disease labeled as HIV/AIDS are caused by “side-effects” of wrong treatment, all my questions on HIV/AIDS can be answered. When you think about it, have you ever met a real AIDS patient? Well, they would say “Privacy”. And you would’ve seen pictures but they can be of Kaposi's sarcoma, neumocystispneumonia, or other disease.
And dreadfully she explains that flue vaccine can make HIV test positive and some specific genetic factors of African people can make the HIV test positive, which doesn’t mean disease, and people take wrong treatment that kills them. So she calls it “genocide”. In fact, when I met a “specialist” of HIV/AIDS, he admitted that Polio vaccine (Poliomyelitis) done by WHO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was “accidentally” contaminated by “HIV virus”. Anyway when you have a hunch and “strange feeling” on news, someone might be doing something wrong behind us. I don’t know if she is reliable and telling the truth but it’s worthwhile to check, read, think about what she is saying.
Source & Reference:
- AIDS is a hoax! Biologist Christl Meyer explodes the HIV/AIDS conspiracy:
- Read Between the Lies by Carlo Vogels:


Saturday, February 08, 2014

The chapter “Ghana” – The Giving Three

My last class took place in the week before the exam week, which started on the 2nd of December in 2013. I had kicked out some students from my class in this term because of their bad behavior, refusal of participating in my class, or not passing the 50-Computer Terminology exam. Although I reduced the passing mark from 45 to 35, 30, or even 20, those students didn’t study at all, so I gave them regrettably because they had gave up the exam. If you are not qualified, you wouldn’t get any thing in life so I thought it’s better for them to have such a bitter experience. However I invited all my students for my last class in order to show my gratitude to them for the time that we share and the way that we walked together in the last 2 years and 2 months at Savelugu School For The Deaf.
At first, I called them by the sound of their names like teachers doing in hearing schools. Although no student put hearing aid and I knew that most of them couldn’t recognize it, I wanted to call my students with my voice at last and it was a kind of an entertainment for a farewell party. For me, it was the dramatic and special moment, but it seemed to be just an ordinary moment in everyday life for them. In my experience, Ghanaian students are always very dry and optimistic when they leave the school and I’ve never seen student crying unlike Japanese who always set up a stage and enjoy dramatic stage effects and tears. It’s an interesting cultural difference. And I talked about importance of right behavior and “Try & Continue” and explained why Daigo always got angry and scolded them. Although how much they understood my words, all students looked at me seriously and concentrated on my talk. I can’t change their life but I can give them my words; all I can do is to plant seeds for future in their hearts and if they give water and bring up, it’ll help them in future. 
And since it was the review week, I gave as usual some “information” for the exam, which was in fact the leak of real questions and answers. At the end of term, I always organize an event for evaluation of result in the term where students get some prizes like toffee, biscuit, juice, shirts, clothes, notebook, pen, toys if they marked good results. I don’t give anything for no reason, but they “get” it by their efforts in exam. And my exam is very easy if students study the points I mentioned in the revision, so I always give hints, clues and even answers before an exam and hope that all students will get the prize. There is more unfairness than fairness in life. I want them to experience the fairness, so I never allowed them to cheat, lie, steal and any bad behavior, and I’ve given them the chance to get something with their efforts. Life isn’t fair but I’m fair to my students.
In the last 2 weeks of my stay in the school, I’d been very busy to edit the film “Walk Together” and the graduation video for JHS-3 students. And I needed to make copies of DVDs for students and teachers and after the exam I called students to distribute the DVDs. Actually this became the last class in Savelugu School For The Deaf. And on the 12th of December, 2013, all students had gone home and my duty at the school was finished, and the campus became empty and quite. I cleaned my house to return it back to the school and checked things in the computer lab to complete my duties. I walked around the campus and entered classrooms. And when I was seeing the ground, sitting down by a school building, I recalled the days I came to the school 2 years ago. I remembered a scene of a student walking on the ground at evening and in the next moment I realized that it was the beginning of the film “Walk Together”. Namely the film had already started 2 years ago on that day. There, I thanked my students, colleagues, and the God of Ghana for the chapter “Ghana”.


Saturday, February 01, 2014

  International Development Why paper gets burned?

This blog is getting closer to the end, so I need to conclude the theme: “International Development”. In Ghana, October is the time of an Islamic festival and Muslims show their appreciation for livestock. And last year when an Islamic organization donated one cattle to our school, a miserable “crime” happened. There are 5 kitchen staffs in our school and they cooked the meat of the cattle for “282” students, instead of 277, namely they added the 5 number of students to the real number in order to steal meat. Sadly this wasn’t the first time for them to cheat, and there were some other cases of “crime” done by school staffs in the past. I was really surprised and disappointed by them.
And one time I heard a speech of the president of Ghana on radio, saying “In Ghana, corruption is wide spread in any levels of class in society. And even to get a piece of paper, you have to bribe some people…” Let me give you a question here. When you put fire on paper, why does paper get burned? Most of you would answer, “Because you put fire on paper”. This is very true. Yet there is another answer: “Because paper has its nature to get burned when you put fire on it”. In short both internal and external factors are necessary for paper to get burned, but people normally focus on external factors and ignore, or don’t notice, internal ones, and put all responsibilities on external ones. So what about stone? Can you burn a piece of stone with fire? The answer is “No”. Although some may answer “Yes” cynically, I’m not talking about scientific phenomenon but common sense. In sum, to understand things in the world you should look at both internal and external factors objectively.
Here’s another question: “Why is Ghana still a developing country?” From time to time, I talked about some negative facts of history in Ghana, or Africa, but were they only caused by “white people”? As for slavery, there was the internal slavery in Ghana and “white people” used the indigenous custom for their profit and systemized it, and imperialism would be an expansion of such a structure. Although it doesn’t change the sin of “white people”, it is very true that there were Ghanaians who collaborated with “them” and profited from the slavery. Sadly enough, I witnessed that this malicious mentality is inherited in the hearts of my colleagues who exploit students for their own profit, which is the same spirits of “white people”. As I emphasized before, my usage of “white people” has nothing to do with color of skin, race, nationality, or shape of skull,  but it means those who have mentality and behavior of exploitation. Namely those who cheat, lie, deceive, betray, and forge history, brainwash people, manipulate information by mass media etc. are all “white people” in my definition. So how can we resist against “them”? You don’t bring any physical aid to Africa, but please bring fairness, devotion, and sincerity, and plant such good spirits in their hearts. The spirits can save Africa and change the world. This is my belief and what Japan did in history.
And “Integration” is a weapon for developing countries and Individualism is a weapon for “white people”. That is why America executed the WGIP (War Guilty Information Program) after the WWII to destroy spirits of Japan and integration of Japanese. And “knowing truth” is also a weapon for us. There’re bad people in any societies so we have to protect ourselves by knowing their tricks. I conclude that slavery, imperialism, and colonization, all these malicious histories were done by “external factors” but Africa also allowed “them” to do so. The real cause is in internal factors. To develop your country, you need the spirits – devotion, fairness, sincerity etc. and integration, which are all invisible. L’essntiel est invisible pour les yeux. – The important thing is invisible to the eyes.