Monday, January 06, 2014

Who Makes War?

This is a conversation with a German guy at a birthday party in Berlin, Germany. When I entered the kitchen, he was making a cake and said, “You know, German men know how to make not only war but cake”. It was self-torture, but is that true? Do you know how to make a war? And in Czech, I had a conversation with German men in a bar that local people talked in whispers when they talked in German at a bus stop. The Germans said that they didn’t know exactly what the people talked about but they could perceive negative atmosphere. Is it bad to talk in German in Czech Republic?
Another conversation. When one of my German friends, a historian in Jewish studies, introduced herself, she said “I’m from Germany.” And I said “Oh, you’re GermanJ” but she continued, “I’m from Germany.” She didn’t want to identify herself as a German. Do you know why? It is because of historical matters by the Nazi. However I’m wondering if the Germans living today are guilty for that? Do you wish that Germans living today should live with some sort of negative feeling in life? And should they inherit responsibilities for different generations, due to the fact that they’re just born in the same country? It is obvious that they have nothing to do with the Nazi but they shoulder burdens of the Nazi unwillingly and unconsciously. Some might say that Hitler was elected by votes of Germans then so Germans are guilty. But can election reflect all the wills of citizen in a country? We should logically and rationally consider it. In my opinion, this is an elaborate trick to brainwash Germans and it would be a well-planned conspiracy to suppress and control them by “white people”.
These conversations reminded me of the WGIP(War Guilt Information) program conspired by GHQ (General Headquarter) in Japan after the World War II. America wanted to smash the confidence of Japanese, thinking of the post-war, so they set the program to plant the mentality of self-torture in the mind of Japanese during the course of occupation in Japan. In this program, they brainwashed Japanese as Japan was wrong and Japanese were bad people by all means. And Ooe Kenzaburou received the Nobel Prize in literature because he wrote novels with the perspective of self-torture, namely the Nobel Prize worked as a tool to brainwash Japanese and assist this program. “Thank to” the program, Japanese are not proud of the brave deeds of fathers during the WW II, which smashed imperialism and colonization of the West and led people in colonies all over the world to the emancipation. By the way, I must apologize to you about the link; as you know, although normally I put a link in Wikipedia when needed, as for this WGI program, there is no page in English nor any foreign languages, other than in Japanese. Is it a taboo or something behind it?
In the Cold War, both sides, America and Soviet Union made so many nuclear warheads, and what happened after the War is that they’re dismantled and dumped. Be sure that there’re some people who made money in the process of both “making” and “destroying” the weapons. Do you remember the Narcotic Business Model? Imagine that both sides are friends, pretending that they are fighting. Isn’t it an example of the model? Even if it’s impossible in the scale you have, it’s possible for those who have a different scale. Joseph Goebbels once said, “The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.”
So who makes wars? Can German men make a war? No way! Do you really think that ordinary people have the power to make a war? A president? No. Even the most powerful president in the world can be assassinated by a single bullet of gun. Why ordinary people need to feel guilty for wars in the past? My answer is those who are behind administration of countries, namely “white people”.


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