About Politics
So what is Politics? Let me borrow some words from my friend. My Yemeni friend once said, “In Politics, it is not whom you believe but whose lie you believe”. This would hit the mark indeed. And a Jewish proverb says, “One lie is a lie and two lies are also lie, but three is Politics.” It is not funny at all and sounds very malicious to me. But why do Jewish have such a proverb? Does that mean Jewish people are good at Politics? They are supposed to be weak people. Very weird… Something is rotten in the state of
Well, the definition of Politics would be very difficult, so let
me borrow the words from the Oxford – Advanced Learner’s Dictionary on my desk: “The activities involved in getting
and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that
affect a country or a society”. The easiest definition would be “to rule a
country with power of laws and constitution legally”, though my definition is “the
way to trick people openly with the tools like laws and constitution”. For example, when Western
countries make contracts with developing countries in “economy”, they rather
use “Bilateral methods (between two countries)”, in which they can easily
cheat, than “Multilateral ones (among many countries)” by the power of
“Politics”. Why? Because they can trick people in the name of “treaty”, “law”,
“relationship”, even “friendship” etc. But what they do is in black box so nobody
knows. If both sides keep quiet or lie in the same manner, people don’t know
what’s going on.
When I was in high school, I used to say, “In the future, I will get Nobel Prize in Peace and spend the prize money for prostitutes”. It doesn’t
mean either I wanted Nobel Prize or I wanted prostitutes, but I mock at Nobel
Prize. Alfred Nobel who invented Dynamite lived in a very rich life with the
enormous amount of money from the invention. In 1888, when his brother passed
away, some newspapers in error put obituaries (articles on death) of Alfred
Nobel like: “The merchant of death is
dead” and “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became
rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday”.
And he was disappointed with what he read and began to think about the
reputation after his death, then decided to found the Nobel Prize in his will
(though he didn’t mention about the name of the prize). It is true that his
wealth and fame are on dead corpses. Since I got to know about his story, I’ve
looked down on him and the Prize, which is dirty from its birth.
In 1968, a wired thing occurred. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, which is not in the will of Alfred Nobel, was established by
Sweden ’s
central bank “Sveriges Riksbank”. Why a bank? You must remember that central
bank is the start to control over a country. You remember that Politics and
economy is interrelated in essence as the word political economy shows.
And remember, if scientists and scholars say a
theory with terminologies, people don’t understand and believe it without doubt like
scholar says it”, which doesn't necessarily mean truth. But if you buy the mind of
scientists and scholars with the power of fame and money, they might lie. Remember why Alfred Nobel established the Prizes? For the fame
after the death. It is very natural for scholars and scientists to seek for fame and
money. Economy is the actual activities of ordinary people but Economics
is a tool for Politics to rob wealth of country and people. Politics
is the mask to justify their hypocrisy. Oops, needless to say, 99% of scholars
and scientists are nice!

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