Saturday, November 30, 2013

Murder and Killing  

 Just before the IraqWar (2003), clergy men from Islam, Judaism, Catholic, Protestant, were invited in the TV show, “Larry King Live (L.K.L) 1985 – 2010 on CNN” and talked about the War. And a rabbi of Judaism answered to the question: “Why do we murder Muslims? Is it allowed?” like the following: “Murder and Kill are different. This is Kill, but not Murder”. Do you understand what he meant? He implies that the word “Murder” is used to kill human while the word “Kill” is used to kill creatures other than human, namely it depends on an object, so Murder wouldn’t be used to kill livestock. And no one objected to his words, showing their feeling “That’s right” on their faces, as if they shared the idea that you’re all livestock for us and we’re all livestock for you. Surprisingly enough, to kill someone who doesn’t believe the same religion is allowed in some religions because “someone” is not human for them. However is it true that God allows us to Kill? As a reference, any acts of Killing is not accepted in Buddhism. So what do you think about the talk above?
So what would happen if some people misled believers, saying that “They’re insects.” In history, some cases of it are recorded. At the times that Europeans “discovered” new continents, they brought back indigenous “people” from the continents and discussed if they were human or not. And astonishingly enough, Vatican answered that they’re not human; in other words the headquarter of Christianity allowed murdering indigenous “people”, oops slaughtering indigenous human-like animals. That is why dreadful massacres occurred by Spanish “people” in South America, which inherited to the slavery, colonization, imperialism of “white people”. However Spanish people and “white people” are not guilty in their religions at all because their act was justified by Vatican in the name of God. Ironically God helped develop Europe and today God is forgotten, and God was used to mislead believers to “kill” other people. I’m wondering if God truly has absolute power to human beings as those religions teach. Ironically these clergy men have absolute power to believers who can be easily misled, brainwashed and controlled by their words. Oh, please don’t get me wrong, I’m not attacking on the religions above, but just talking about the danger of the idea: Murder and Kill. 
In the Vietnam War, uncountable Vietnamese girls were raped by Korean soldiers to satisfy their sexual desire, which resulted in more than 350,000, at maximum, of mixed children called “Lai DaiHan” born. After raping them, Korean soldiers lynched, slaughtered, and massacred Vietnamese girls to erase proofs of their violent acts. In some cases recorded, they took out babies from womb by kicking on the belly of pregnant women and killed the babies brutally, and there were so many other cruel and brutal acts by Korean soldiers recorded in history, although those historical facts are not recorded in textbooks of South Korea. So why could Korean men be so violent? In Korean peninsula traditionally it’s been a very strong discriminative society and the upper class called “Yangban” looked down on and exploited the lower class called “Baekjeong” because Baekjeong are not human at all for Yangban, and likewise women were severely maltreated like a class of women called “Kisaeng”, who engaged in entertainment and prostitute. And today most of Koreans call themselves as descendants of Yangban, who look down on other people as animals or insects. This traditional way of thinking is the cause of mass killing and brutal sexual abuses in Vietnam. Once you think other people as not human, you become inhuman and are not human any more. I believe that we should not justify the act of killing in the name of God. For human can easily be inhuman.  

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