Saturday, June 15, 2013


For this time, I’d like to put an extract from a writing I wrote on Slavery several years ago. The information might be not very accurate because I wrote it from my memory then. Please take a look.

A “black Man” was a thing in slave era, needless to say a black woman was too. Man means Human Beings, nevertheless he or she was, oops, “it” was treated as an "object" in slavery. And it was money, tool, machine, and one of properties for “white man” to keep their lives comfortable just like car, shoes, fridge, TV etc. The only difference was that it “looked like” Human being in black. 
Here’s a manual for “How to Make Slave”. First of all, “it” was hunted in the African Continent, which was a famous habitat for this black object living life in peace, and white men collected it in forests and loaded it up on slaver (slave ship). This black diamond was very profitable in slave markets in Americas. And in the slave ship, the black diamonds were piled up in shelves, just like coffin size, which was arranged efficiently to cram the black cargo (like coin-operated locker) as many diamonds as slave merchant could do; the more black cargo in one voyage, the more profit for him. Once a week, the black cargo was moved up on deck to clean shit and piss in the “locker”, and with sea water, slaver (slave merchant) washed up this smelly black animal which had bedsores by laying down on hard wooden bed, so naturally it barked, roared and howled due to pain, but it’s just strange noise of animal for white men (you’ve heard it in zoo). And sometimes white men found back objects not functioning properly: weakened, sick, dead, which means it had no longer value as goods, thus slaver threw it away in the Atlantic Ocean. Yet be sure that there was no pollution in the sea because this garbage was an organic compound, so natural decomposition. Slaver respected ecology.
Then in Americas, many customers were waiting for black animals in good quality, just like we do in supermarket. For quality control, slave merchants coated tar to hide scratch, crack, bruise, and here again black goods yelled in natural, but it’s just weird sound for white ears. Now black goods were brought to “auction” in slave markets, and auctioneer spoke out to buyers. “Start from Ten dollars!! $10, $10, $10... $15, 15, 15, Twenty!! 20, 20, 20, Sir, this is very good one!! 20, 20... Ok $25, Deal!!” At this moment the black object was given “life” as a slave. Until its death, the slave would be exploited. Day, month, year and second, minute, hour, it works, works and works. No freedom, no human rights. Yet it lived, it survived, it clung to the life with two things: body and self-esteem in their heart, believing in future: “Free at last, free at last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last.
Years ago, a black lady spoke out that she was a descendant of a president of the United States of America (though I forgot the name). Black slave was often raped by “its” owner, oops, it wouldn't be rape but “masturbation”, because you can’t rape “alone”. There shuld be at least two “people” for it but slaves were not human… As a result, the masturbation of a president of the United States of America proves that slave society in America robbed even their self-esteem. Slaves had body only.
 On December 1, 1955, Rose Parks was arrested for refusing to comply with the Jim Crow Laws that required “black” to give up seat to “white Man” in bus. The movements arose little by little and spread nationwide with the philosophy of civil disobedience in non-violent resistance practiced in India by Mahatma Gandhi. One of resistances is the Montgomery Bus Boycott led by Martin Luther King, Jr. And he gave the speech known as “I've Been to theMountaintop” on April 3, 1968 and was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, which is the following day of the speech...

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