Meaning of History for “White People” – Volume-1
Sorry for the controversial topics going. I can imagine you’d be fed up with these kinds of stories. I hope you can suppress your resentments for the time being. Thank you for your understanding.
So why do “white people” need to manipulate history and trick people by history? In my opinion, it comes from the idea “White as Superior ”. Years ago, I learned political science at Vilnius University in Lithuania and a Lithuanian professor insisted: “White people think that at the first place they put themselves on the top, and then they list black or Asian or any other peoples under their feet.” In short he talked about “white as the most superior”, and that’s why white people regard others as inferior, barbarous, incompetent etc. He is a white man and has the objective perspective on race.
When ancient civilizations flourished in India , China , Egypt , and Tigris & Euphrates, Europe was still sleeping in the forest of “primitive”. In “Commentaries on the Gallic War”, Julius Caesar stated he saw people wearing “hide (animal skin)” when he conquered the land of Gaul . Europe had been out of civilization for a long time in history. When a Canadian girl gave a presentation on “Contributions of Islam to Western civilization” in a lecture with that professor, she confessed to my great surprise that she hadn't known the contribution by Muslims to Europe . As a historical truth: without influence and help of Islam, Europe wouldn’t have been able to make up civilization today.
In the “Renaissance – Re-birth”, a lot of books were translated into European languages from Arabic, because ancient texts of the Greece and Rome were firstly translated into Arabic in the Islamic Golden Age (750-1258). Although “paper” made the Renaissance possible, it was invented in China and brought to Europe by the hands of Muslims when they conquered the Iberian Peninsula and spread out during the Islamic rule. It is said that “Compass, Gunpowder and Printing” are the great inventions of the Renaissance, but they'd been all invented in China before the Renaissance. And although the Age of Discovery is the first time for Europeans today to appear on the main stage of history, navigation and shipbuilding skills are also developed in other worlds and brought by Muslims. And it is true that steam engine was a great invention by Europeans, but the principle of steam was already know in ancient Egypt and Hero of Alexandria made up a steam-powered device. In short the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution were done by the knowledge of “history”. If you say it is all “our”..., it’s plagiarism. Without inventions of other worlds, Europe would be nothing.
And then if you look at Roman and Greek mythologies, you’d see many gods because it was a world of “polytheism (many gods)”, while Christianity teaches unique God – “monotheism (one God)”, which was adopted as the national religion at the end of the Roman Empire . And Latin was spoken in Rome but no native speaker of Latin exists in Europe today because it became a dead language with the fate of Romans, which can prove that there is no “direct” link between Europeans today and Romans. Although the Roman and Greek civilizations occurred on the land of Europe , they had nothing to do with European civilization today; even if Europeans seek for their Roots in the ancient civilizations, it’s not realistic. For Europe had been out of civilization until the Middle Ages comes.
In sum, I would say that European civilization is the newest and latest one in history and the prosperity of Europe started 500 years ago. But this truth won't reduce the value of contributions to mankind by Europeans at all and it doesn't mean that Europeans are inferior to other peoples. What Europeans did in the last 500 years is so great and splendid, which is also the truth of history.